Tuesday, 18 December 2012

SIMD2012 - An Interactive Website

With the release of the latest version of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation I thought I would take the time to put together an interactive mapping website so that people who are interested in exploring spatial patterns of deprivation could easily interact with the data. The official Scottish Government interactive mapping site has some nice features but I find it a bit cumbersome and the map interface is too small for my liking so that's why I've produced my own version, based on Google Fusion Tables.

Putting this together has prompted me to develop some additional mapping tools using Fusion Tables code and these can be accessed via the 'Tools' tab on the new website. The 'search and zoom' allows you to enter a place you want to look for and when you hit 'Search' the map immediately pans and zooms to that location.   The other tool I've created simply lets you turn the SIMD map layer on and off, which is quite a useful feature.

I've just looked at the relative ranks of places within Scotland in this site. For details of absolute change you can see the employment and income domain data available from the new SIMD 2012 website.