Wednesday 23 June 2010

Creating Cartograms - Some Options

One of the most difficult things to do properly with GIS is to create cartograms. They can be very powerful visually (e.g. Worldmapper, see below) but producing accurate representations is not simple. I've been experimenting with this over the years, and have now come to some conclusions...

You could use something like MAPresso to create cartograms but it's not necessarily the easiest application to get into. If you're an ArcGIS user you could try the CartogramCreator extension.

However, I've recently experimented with ScapeToad and have found it to be the best tool. It's stand-alone software for producing cartograms (despite the funny name) and it works really well and there are many useful options for creating cartograms. It's very easy to use as well.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

European Geodata - NUTS, etc.

Need to find digital boundaries for the European Union? Tried googling but no success? They are of course available via UKBorders in the UK but if you can't get them this way then you can find them via search but it's not that easy.

The first thing you need to do is go to the Eurostat Geodata pages. Then from the menu on the left you can select 'Reference' or 'Archive' to get to the download section. Once you're there you just need to click on the kind of data you want (e.g. 'Administrative units/statistical units') and you are taken to the download page where there are lots of links...

And that's it.

Some interesting datasets, including:
  • Corine Land Cover
  • Urban Morphological Zones
  • Degree of urbanisation
  • NUTS boundaries (down to NUTS3)
  • Elevation
  • Settlement names

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Centre for Cities - Private Sector Growth

A quick post today about some recent work published by the Centre for Cities. The report, called 'Private sector cities: A new geography of opportunity' looks at the question of private sector growth in England and the issue of whether any spatial 'rebalancing' is needed in relation to fostering private sector growth.

It was written by the Centre for Cities' Chris Webber and Paul Swinney and has had quite lot of media attention (e.g. this Financial Times article) since its publication. Worth a look - and not just because of the fancy graphics!

Monday 7 June 2010

Sheffield Demolition

Quiet on the blogging front recently, but yesterday I had the chance to see a Sheffield Building toppled. The old Osborne Mushets on Penistone road (in street view below), was demolished to make way for new development. More changes to Sheffield's old industrial landscape.

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I took some photos and a video of the event...