Thursday 25 July 2013

Stratospheric London

I've recently been looking at the Land Registry's price paid data for England and Wales. This is now open data and the Land Registry recently published all data going back to 2009 and by November 2013 they have promised to release all price paid data going back to 1995. I've been looking at the period from January to May this year to see - at a very basic level - what is happening in terms of the total volume and value of sales across England and Wales. As expected, this simply tells us that the London property market is 'stratospheric', as the Evening Standard recently reported. A few summary stats and charts before I go on holiday...

  • Total value of sales in England and Wales between January and May 2013: £51 billion.
  • Total value of sales in Greater London: £14 billion (28% of the total)
  • Total value of sales in Westminster: £1.6 billion.

Explore the data and charts for yourself in the spreadsheet I put together here. The original data comes from the Land Registry's price paid data. I've used the original source files to produce some summary stats by Local Authority, City/Town and County. If you want to know more about the data, make sure you read the Land Registry's FAQs

Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2013.

This data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period 1 January 2013 to 31 May 2013. © Crown copyright 2013.